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Forum: NHS Teachers of Our 1956 to 1960 Years


Mrs. Sybil Geoghagan Lilley

Created on: 03/21/10 04:12 AM Views: 1880 Replies: 1
Mrs. Sybil Geohagan Lilley
Posted Saturday, March 20, 2010 11:12 PM

Please click on reply to add remembrances/memories of Mrs. Lilley.

RE: Mrs. Sybil Geoghagan Lilley
Posted Monday, March 22, 2010 10:36 AM

My immediate memory of Mrs. Lilley, when her name comes up, is the assembly where the cheerleaders were doing a cheer, I believe it was called "Louisiana Shake".  It didn't take long before Mrs. Lilley was running down that right side isle, shut down the cheerleaders and then preached to us about such things.  Of course, that cheer nowadays would be considered very tame and innocuous.

Later, when our daughter was in middle school, in Texas, the school had a singing group appear.  I learned one of the songs they sang, and led the kids in, was advocating the use of cocaine.  I was told this group had been approved for school performances by some southern school association that does such things.

Anyway, I addressed the issue with several teachers who were in our church and in that school.  I was told they didn't dare speak out as the kids would have "rioted".  I was even taken to task by the school superintendent, a Deacon in our church, and his wife, for asking our church to pray for the teachers/administrators to show some leadership in such situations.

Oh, how I would have liked for our kids to have had teachers with Mrs. Lilley's convictions and courage.